Colour shape graphic Colour shape graphic Cogent Hire - A Different Kind of Credit Hire Company Image

Cogent Hire - A Different Kind of Credit Hire Company

Beside You, With You, For You

Stop us if you’ve heard this before. Yet another company telling the world they’re different. Not like the competitors.

This time, it’s true. Cogent Hire really is a different kind of credit hire company.

We’re not a “we-don’t-trust-you-you-don’t-trust-us” kind of CHC. And we don’t want to be. We’ve seen the combative, litigious, long-winded and delayed way of doing things and it isn’t for us.

We set our own standards, and follow our own rules - checking the needs of our clients and only providing vehicles when they’re needed.

We use leading fraud prevention and claim validation technology to protect the insurers we work with, using Heads Up and Verius to lower risks for everyone we work with, and protect ourselves - and you - from fraud.

We take pride in doing things the right way, from the initial contact through to arbitration. Unlike other CHCs, we view litigation as the very last resort, using Claimspace to make sure arbitration is done quickly, effectively, and with a binding and enforceable decision made by specialist credit hire barristers.

We do all this because we’re bored of the usual arm-wrestle between insurers and CHCs. It’s bad for us. It’s bad for you, It’s bad for policyholders. Most importantly, it’s bad for drivers.

So we set out to do something different. To be a different kind of credit hire company. A true, collaborative partnership. No hidden fees, no arguments over control, no resistance to change. Just sensible, open ways of working that put the policyholder’s needs first.

Beside insurers, with businesses, and for drivers.

Sounds like a better way of doing things, doesn’t it?


“Cogent is an opportunity to do things the right way. By working in partnership with the insurance industry. By delivering greater transparency, more effective customer care and stronger solutions for everyone.”
Kirsty McKno - Cogent

Where our champions of change lead, our team follows, using a technology plus people approach that gives every Cogent employee frictionless access to each of our partners. It means we can all spend more time doing what’s really important. Looking after our customers.

The Cogent Ethos

We’ve seen the best - and the worst - the credit hire industry has to offer. We’ve seen that when everyone works together, when insurers have the reassurance of controlling costs, there’s a better experience for everyone.

Our ethos is simple. We’re transparent. We’re fair. We’re collaborative. We’re forward thinking. And most importantly of all, we’re honest.

Hand holding gear icon


We’ve replaced spiraling repair costs with best practice and control.

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We’ve replaced mistrust and friction with pragmatism and common sense.

bulb with a gear inside


We’ve replaced legacy processes and outdated tech with innovation and shared goals.

And we’ve replaced the tug-of-war between insurers and CHCs with something far more pleasant. Far more effective. A way of collaborative working that puts the policyholder first.

Yes, we’re a different kind of credit hire company. We’d like to think we’re a better kind.

Current Vacancies:

Cogent’s Policies

Everything we do is completely transparent, and that goes for our policies too. You’ll find everything you need right here:
